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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ashmolean Museum

Beautiful milk jug and teapot circa 1755 - 1765 in The Ashmolean Museum Oxford.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Teapot Island Open Day

Garys next open day at teapot island is on Saturday 27th April 2013
I am going to say that this will be the only one this year, so I'm hoping you all try to make it as we dont meet each other since the Cardew open days. If you have any pots you want to sell on the day please let me know and we can have the silent auction again.
If you are going to stay for the evening meal could you let me know as I have to book in advance. 
Sue Blazye

Friday, February 15, 2013

"Rabbit by Moonlight..."Ceramic Teapot by Nancy Y. Adams $ 800