Tony CartersOpen Weekend
Christmas Open Weekend Fast Approaching!
It's only 2 more days before Tony's 30th Christmas Open Weekend This year there will be an Auction on Sunday at 2.30pm with 20 unique items from the Pottery. The usual demonstrations of making and painting teapots, a prize draw for the Collectors and a general draw for other customers who attend on either day. And with complimentary mulled wine to loosen those purse strings they are hoping for a good turn out to support their chosen Charity for this year The St Elizabeth Hospice in Suffolk
It's only 2 more days before Tony's 30th Christmas Open Weekend This year there will be an Auction on Sunday at 2.30pm with 20 unique items from the Pottery. The usual demonstrations of making and painting teapots, a prize draw for the Collectors and a general draw for other customers who attend on either day. And with complimentary mulled wine to loosen those purse strings they are hoping for a good turn out to support their chosen Charity for this year The St Elizabeth Hospice in Suffolk