majolica teapot collection
Richard Dennis a featured speaker and the owner of this great majolica teapot collection spoke on "English Decorative Arts".
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I have a small collection of what I thought was called barbotine. I am now told by someone that the term barbotine is just the french word for majolica. The stuff I look for was apparently produced by Haviland in Limoges, France. It is in the impressionistic painting style and at its’ best has big flowers hanging out of it. Rumor has it that later to be famous painters worked there including Emil Galle. I am going on an antiquing trip to Europe this winter with the group at and will be really trying to find some more of this pottery. My first question is: where can I get more info on this form (books, websites, experts) and secondly I would appreciate any tips on “secret” places where it can be found in Europe. I will shop the street fair at Arezzo in Italy, The huge fairs at Swinderby and Newark in England and then the Paris flea markets and auctions. I’m really excited about the tour. It’s not one of those tourist trips. Check out the website for the trip. I hope to hear from You or one of your fellow bloggers. Thanks, Felicia
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