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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Countdown teapot

Won in 2000 sold on eBay for £185.00 5th June 2008


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are the proud owner of that teapot. It was bought for an aniversary present.

10:26 pm  
Blogger matthk said...

That's a plain Countdown Teapot.
The pots the winners get have "Countdown WINNER"
on them. e.g.
The only other teapots given out at Countdown is when a challenger fails to score a single point, and they're given a teapot as a consolation prize.

It seems possible you may have been ripped off.

3:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a winners teapot because the first conundrum had to be cancelled because a letter fell off despite the fact that I buzzed and got it. Sort of a consolation prize but still nice to get. Are they valuable?

10:23 pm  

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