Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Colclough Elephant teapot "Sabu"

Colclough Elephant teapot "Sabu" - 1930's
sold on Ebay recently for £50.00


  1. Anonymous5:33 am

    Hi! Wondering if you can help. I have a Sabu Pink Elephant TeaPot. Can you or someone Please give me more info on the year?, why it was made pink? etc., And maybe value? Thanks Regards Tania - New Zealand

  2. Anonymous6:41 pm

    I have the same teapot (I think). It has gold tipped ears, trunk, eyes, earts etc. and four flower poseys. I would like to know more about it as well.

    Interesting enough it was also picked up in N.Z. - although it says made in England.
